Few words about me- born in 1983, moved to Bolesławiec in 87. Since 2005 had been in the tourist business as a guide and manager of the Blue Beetroot hotel, in 2009 I got masters degree in tourism and recreation (@ Physical Education Academy in Wrocław). During my hotel management career mostly I dealt with US military communities and organizations (USO, Spouses Clubs etc.), but also international schools, embassies, consulates and business people. Have done many tours for individuals and groups. Also done numerous presentations. In April 2018 I started my own business called More4U, it has been going great! I still closely collaborate with the Blue Beetroot, it is very successful! More4U absorbs most of my time. Morale/Organization/Recreation/Exploration- 4U... the acronym did not come out of space.
I am married to Marta and we have a beautiful daughter- Lily (came in 2016- she's the little beauty dressed in pink on the picture below). I love them with all my heart! (this chapter could be 100 pages long, so I better do not start, you can always meet them if there is an opportunity).
I am a licensed Polish Rugby Union Coach and run the local team- mostly involving kids. I also had the honor to be a translator at many training sessions with Mr. Blikkies G. from RSA (who used to be the head coach of the Polish Rugby XV National Team).
Oh- and I have an identical twin brother (no kidding)- so if you meet "me" and I am confused, it is Marek, my clone.. We also have a younger sister.
===================RATES / $/ € Charges ==================
Speaking of the price of my tours, it strictly depends on 3 main factors:
a) daily duration and mileage- this is obviously completely adjusted to your needs and expectations,
b) number of people(including adults and children and their ages )
c) type of activities, places we visit and all extra fees(e.g. tickets, admissions, gear rental like bikes for instance, parking, road tolls etc. ) .
so first we always have to establish points a, b and c exactly to figure out the exact costs and agenda of your tour. I have also attached my basic price list for you below. That guarantees full door2door service.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you and SEE YOU IN BOLESLAWIEC/ POLAND