Here are some READY PACKAGES (with rates in $ for 2022 at the exchange rate of 5PLN to 1 USD- the present price list of 2024 is based on current exchange rate of approx. 4.00- 4.50 Polish PLN to 1 EURO and 1 USD- so the prices in USD are slightly higher, by approx. + 10- 15% ). The stakes are convertible to USD accordingly to current fluctuation of PLN/EU/ USD ) and example itineraries of a few out of dozens (or hundreds rather) tours I have done. Obviously every single itinerary is tailored individually for you, your group or family. Every single inch of it can be customized!
PM me with inquiries (via the contact form on the website, more4u.jarek@gmail.com or Whatsapp tel. +48502677310 )!
there is a TON of other sites and options to choose out of! We can create any package for you and tailor it to your needs. Let me know what you want to see and do and I will fulfill it.