There are 3 main castles in the area: Grodziec (20 min drive), Kliczków (alos 20 min), Czocha (50 min) + Bolków, Chojnik and Rajsko (about 1 h). Each is much different and tells you its own story, going back to 12. and 13. C... tales of knights, dukes and kings, nobleman, ghosts (mostly friendly), creative architects and demolish invaders... they link to WW2 stories too. They also offer food and beverages, accommodation and even SPA services and a swimming pool. There are many more castles and palaces all over Lower Silesia and one more within an hour drive- Książ- the 3rd of the biggest castles of Poland! It is a mish- mash of gothic, Renaissance and baroque style with some WW2 stories involved too.